The Trees Inside Our Brain | Page 22

Is it true that we only use 10% of our brain? Nope! The myth that humans only use 10% of their brain is completely false and has no basis in science. In fact, we are using most of our brains almost all the time. The brain has distinct regions that specialize in different functions. The brain stem controls things like your breathing rate, your temperature, your heart rate, and other basic functions that keep you alive. The brain stem is one of the most basic and critical regions because you absolutely cannot live without it. Injuries to the brainstem are often deadly. As long as you’re alive, your brainstem is working. Your occipital lobe is functioning anytime your eyes are open. Whether or not you think that you are thinking about what you see, your brain takes in the light and processes your surroundings so that you can formulate a behaviorally appropriate response with collaborating brain regions. Some research even suggests the occipital lobe conjures memories of things you saw in order to illustrate your dreams while you sleep. The cerebellum works nonstop every time you stand up, move, sit down, run, walk, exercise, dance, or do anything that requires new movement or balance. Sound like a full–time job? It is! If you had no cerebellum, it would be incredibly difficult for you to learn to walk and balance. Last year, a woman living in Asia was found who was born without a cerebellum. This woman could not learn to walk until around age 9, and had great difficulty moving her mouth correctly to form speech patterns. Even as an adult, she is wobbly and unstable when she walks. You can live without a cerebellum, but it won’t be easy. The frontal hemispheres are the largest portions of the brain. They are more complex in humans than in any other species. The frontal hemispheres allow us to plan, make decisions, think about complex ideas, deal with other people, respond appropriately to our everyday lives, speak, understand, listen, and more. If your frontal hemispheres took time off, you would basically be a vegetable. These four brain regions, along with the rest of the brain, work nonstop to keep you living your life as a fully–functional human.