The Review Issue 3 | Page 19

Advertise from as little as £25! email [email protected] 19 14 t h – 22 nd ju n e Bonnet Guild Festival Week 2014 the bo n n e t g uil d i s p leas ed to a n n oun ce t hat t his y ear’s 8 1s t an n ive r sary festi va l w e e k wil l r un fr o m s at ur day 14t h jun e to s un day 2 2 n d june wi th the hi g hl i g ht o f t h e week , t h e c row n in g of t he cors ehil l queen tak ing p lac e o n ga l a day , s at ur day , 2 1s t jun e in av en ue s quare, s t e warton. The crowning will be followed by the annual street parade featuring colourful floats decorated in this year’s Bonnet Guild theme “A country of the Commonwealth” and a procession of classic cars. Following last year’s success, Gala Day will once again be held in the grounds of Lainshaw Primary, Kilwinning Road. The Corsehill Queen 2014, and her court have been chosen from second year pupils by Stewarton Academy (with the exception of the two Pages and Queen’s Highlander who are chosen by the local primary schools) as follows; Corsehill Queen Jennifer Pryce, 1st Maid Amy McDade, 2nd Maid Miriam Gill, accompanying Maids: Iona Watt, Robyn Morton, Niamh Campbell and Emma Moore. First Courtier Billy Brazier, 2nd Courtier Angus Busby, Herald Joe Taylor, Sword Bearer Jared Muir, Crown Bearer Douglas Bloomfield, Sceptre Bearer Daniel Glasswell, Pages: James Montgomery and Murray Hewitt, Queen’s Highlander Ewan Williamson. The coronation will take place in its traditional location on Avenue Square on Gala Day Saturday, 21, June. In the event of wet weather the crowning will be moved indoors to the Area Centre, just off Avenue Square. This year’s Crowning Lady will be