The Lion's Pride vol. 2 (Jun. 2014) | Page 19

12 to a delay in the flow of electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat. I do not remember how many days I spent in the ICU; I was unconscious most of the time. But, in the times I managed to open my eyes and take in my surroundings, there was always my mom right there by my side. Relatives came and visited me every day. I came to realize that they actually did care about me. Though I had failed my actual death, I had managed to kill off my old, lifeless self. When I was well enough to be moved out of the ICU and into a new part of the hospital, I started to truly notice how my actions had affected everyone. My mom would often cry; I could see in her eyes the guilt she felt. My dad was visibly upset about the whole situation, I found him to be in disbelief. What struck me most was my little brother. He was unusually quiet when he came to visit, looking at me with a face of sorrow and fear. When my friends found out, they pulled away from me even more, some dropping communication with me completely. I guess they were just confused and too scared to talk to me. After the hospital stay and a rehabilitation service, I had missed a month of school. This setback caused me to fall