The Linnet's Wings | Page 94

WINTER ' FOURTEEN Already I am ancient and ageless. And the poetry of that which is coupled with the poetry of that which shall be. Shall be. I and no other for no other sees it as I do. Do. Affirm the affirmations. Nor decry the dark for its necessity (of this there will be singing) Now what will you accuse me of ye doubting ones? It does not matter. Song along justifies me in my time and time beyond. And unto time. Nor can it otherwise be. For be it will be. The light measured in the scale of a word. Nor my thoughts alien to this day. This day. Yes, I am a profane believer who would not otherwise be. See me – I am dancing, hear me – I am singing. As it was in the beginning so shall it now be. Thus I undo to remake. Thus. And shall further undo (see me undoing and re-making) This street or that – what does it matter – it is my infinity which waits (ah my sweet arrogance how I love thee!) And whatever else awaits shall make itself known. This street or that – neither will change my destination for I have already chosen. Shall make itself known and I will make it known. Bending it to my desires. Like a loom-worker – stitch, counter-stitch and shall populate my pages accordingly. Affirmation and negation which shall be, and is, my affirmation (do you hear me now my doubters?) And that unbending branch I shall take as my symbol. That unto me and mine… An inheritance. Heirloom for the generations (ah my sweet arrogance how I love thee!) Give myself a new name which will be the ancient name. Lyrical and bountiful (old warriors I will take, and add, from your warrior-strength such strength as I may need) Nor will culpability pass my lips. As I take the measure of these shadows I walk amongst and out of. -This obsession with identity -It is the only one worth having -Spoken like a true egoist -A condemnation? -An admonition. There are other questions worth solving than the nature of the self -Such as -The collective identity cannot be overlooked -I find that to be a horrible thought -As I said, an egoist -I might take that as a compliment -Bur surely..this world exists for me as much as it exists for you -Ah, but is it the same world we see through different eyes? -The world is what it is, it cannot be other -But it is other to every one -I disagree. Facts are not mutable. The world is as the world is. Interpretation is not possible on given notions. -In that case tell me the colour of black. -That’s a trick, not an argument -Or tell me the gravity of light -Another trick The Linnet's Wings