The Leaky Boob | Page 18

Links & Resources Not sure you eat well enough to make healthy milk for your baby? Learn how that works here (hint: your body can make quality milk even if your diet isn’t ideal). What is normal weight gain? How do you know if you should be concerned? Start with making sure your doctor is using the right weight chart and if you’re concerned about low supply, here’s how to tell if that’s a problem. Fed is best! We hope that you reach your goals in feeding your baby and support all families in that journey. And if it doesn’t turn out how you hoped, remember, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. If you’re breastfeeding but need your baby to take a bottle for when you return to work, info on bottle feeding the breastfed baby should help you get you started. If you will be using formula to feed your baby, what do you need to know on how to pick a formula? No matter when you’re returning to work, here’s how to be sure you have enough milk for your first day back. Feeding