The Leaky Boob | Page 9

“Having the formula in completely divided compartments in the diaper bag meant my daughter was getting only exactly what she was supposed to each time.” ~Jenna Pumping & Bottle Feeding Bottles and formula and breast pumps are a big part of many infant feeding journeys and helping parents develop their confidence in parenting. These tools can make a big difference. There’s something about seeing your milk expressed for your little one or even to donate to other babies. Not every breastfeeding parent will need to pump, and keep in mind that how much you pump is no indication of how much your baby gets at the breast. Your pump may whisper sweet nothings to you, you may discover a great game to play on your phone while you pump, and you may enjoy the challenge of seeing how much milk you get every time. But breastmilk pumping isn’t all fun and games. Here are some serious products that can take some of the guesswork out of bottle feeding and pumping no matter how you’re feeding.