The Indie Game Magazine December 2015 | Issue 56 | Page 16

area through feedback and communication with the team. IGM: Can you give us a sense of scale in terms of the differences in monster sizes? Some of the creatures seem to be far larger than players. Rubyor: Creatures range from your basic piglet or wolf pup that nip at your heels to the gigantic Forest Giants 30ft in height that can squash an ill-equipped player in just a few hits. Of course there is the dragon Kur, which requires nothing less than a solid raid force to slay. Unlike other survival games, Savage Lands features a handful of unique boss creatures that players can kill, similar to an RPG. Each of these boss creatures all have unique legendary weapons and armor that can be looted. IGM: What role do fortifications play in the game? Do different buildings protect from different creature types? Rubyor: Buildings provide the basic shelter needed to survive in the world. They mitigate cold and prevent creatures from attacking you. You can also build your own forge to craft weapons and gear. As we move through Early Access we plan to add more functionality to our existing build system and add in additional features like barricades and traps. We also plan to expand the AI so that the