The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 3 - Issue: 4 | Page 33

Traffic, that being boat traffic is an issue an issue in both fresh and saltwater. So here is the Con first, Saltwater, is the Con for boat traffic, only because the boats are huge. Traffic is big on the weekends and holidays, but as long as you keep your eye open it can still be a safe day of fishing. So as for Freshwater I will say it is split the Pro is that boat traffic can be less and the boat sizes are smaller. But I think there is still a Con here as well some lakes boat traffic can be rough as far as ski boats are concerned. I have even seen those weekend warriors give a hard time to us fishermen by causing wakes and spraying water at us. While this is a Con I feel that it is a less of a Con as we can start fishing before ski boats are allowed on the water, and there are plenty of lakes that don’t allow water skiing and sometime no motor boats at all. So I will say Saltwater Boat Traffic is a Con and Freshwater is a Pro, even though, it can be a challenge on the freshwater lakes.

Overall fishing pressure, Southern California overall has some major fishing pressure in all waters. With that said I will start with the Con Freshwater, fishing pressure is high and depending on what lake you fish the pressure can be crazy. The bodies of waters we have to fish can be few and far between and as such we can over fish certain lakes from time to time. So the Pro is Saltwater in Southern California. While the waterways we have to fish in the salt are not as many as freshwater lakes they are large. This simply gives us all room to have fun fishing with out sitting on top of other fishermen. Plus for us in Float Tube we are some what locked into the Bays and Harbors. So as the big boat traffic leaves the main channels for open water they leave behind plenty of open water for us to enjoy. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of people fishing in the Bays and Harbors, but in comparison to freshwater it is far less, so less pressure.

So in conclusion for float tubers there are many pro’s and con’s to fishing either Saltwater or Freshwater bodies of water. But with some time spent on the water, preparation, and general knowledge, what every body of water you are fishing you can have a safe and productive time.

By: J. Bernier