The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 3 - Issue: 4 | Page 30

Smellie waders

no more

So I came across and issue recently that lead to the need to do some research. I am sure most of you have had this issue at some point in time. One day after fishing my wife came down to pick me up. When she arrived she confirmed my worry I stunk something fierce. To be honest I was really worried that it was coming from my and nothing else. It was so bad I stopped off at a department store on the way home just to get a change of clothes. Not thinking much of it after my last trip I ended up with the same issue during at the end. So now I know it was not me it was something else, and the only thing I could figure was it was my waders. I took a quick wif and yep it was on the inside of my waders.

I decided it was important to make sure I cleaned and dryed my waders both inside and out. My thought was I made the mistake of not letting my waders dry properly after a quick cleaning. I soaped up and scrubbed the waders as best I could and gave them a few hours of drying on a warm day. It seemed find as I again took a good whiff and it seemed to me that the smell was gone. The problem was that when I took another trip a few weeks later the smell returned as strong as ever. So I realized I am doing something wrong, time to do some research.

It turns out the issue is simple bacteria build up in your waders is the problem. Guess what the fix is just a simple enzyme killer which is meant to kill the bacteria that is causing the smell issue.