The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 3 - Issue: 4 | Page 21

Rod Materials

What does it all mean

Graphite, Fiberglass, IM6 and IM7, man I just want to fish what is all this and is it really important to my fishing trips. Do you know what your rods are made of maybe it's time you learned a little more about rod materials. I know even though I have built rods I really never took the time to learn what the difference in materials really meant well let’s check them out.

Let's start with the Graphite, these rods were introduced in the 70’s by Fenwick Graphite is used in most bass rods today. You might have already known this but did you know how they are made. It is a 2 part process with high temps that both give the rod tensile ( the resistance of a material to breaking under tension) strength and stiffness. Now you might want to know that the temperatures used can be. They can reach and exceed 3000 degrees, and generally the hotter the better for the tensile strength and stiffness of

(Fiberglasss Fibers)

the graphite fibers. So this will help in cutting down weight in the rod. How is this so? Well I am glad you asked, high temp mean stronger materials which mean less materials and that it in a nutshell.

(Graphite Fibers)