The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 3 - Issue: 4 | Page 13

plenty of vibration or action. In silt water we are looking to hit the other sense of the fish. But a good rule of thumb for these stained murky waters is this, bright colors. Along with vibration, and profile, you are always better off doing

everything you can to have your lure be seen. Don’t use neutral colors you know those colors that you would use in clear water. Go for that fire tiger color, any fluorescens, the brighter the better. The same rule applies to depth of colors in murky waters as above but overall the conditions lead to poor visibility for all fish. This is why bright colors are the best idea.

Color of lures are really meant to attract the fishermen, right that is what we have always heard. Well that is not a true statement after all. Yes there is a little bite of truth to this but with some basic understanding of how fish see we can make better choices. I am sure there will be plenty of times when the choice of lure color does not make any sense to what you have just read. But pay attention to your water and make choices of colors based on what you see not what others are telling you. And in time you will be picking colors that work, instead of guessing at colors that have worked before.

BY: Jeff Bernier