The Essential Guide to Doing Transition. How to do Transition in your University/College. | Page 13

It’s responsive to its community

Ideally, Transition Universities are responsive to the interests and priorities of the members of their community. What defines a Transition University community is very much dependent on

the people involved and can take many forms, for example:

• It can be a community of place - perhaps just consisting of the people who are on university campus every day, or even just in a specific building, or indeed include local residents living in the town/neighbourhood/city

• It can be a community of interest - consisting of all those people who share a common interest in specific sustainability areas, such as food growing, bike riding, or social enterprises.

• It can be a community of values - made up of people who share broad values and ideals

Most probably it will be a combination of these. But as a result the Transition University community can refer to:

• A particular grouping or project within a university

• The whole university

• A particular group or project within a town/city that incorporates representatives

(students, staff, or both!) from a university

The important thing is to make sure that the priorities and interests of the Transition University community, however it is defined, are listened to and continually inform the activities of the Transition University.

Transition Edinburgh University members out and about. Photo: Transition

Edinburgh University.