The Essential Guide to Doing Transition. How to do Transition in your University/College. | Page 12

It’s personal

Transition is not just about projects and the outside world, it is also about changing the way we relate to the world and each other, and about considering the values as well as practices of the world in which we live. Changing our worldview from separate to interconnected, from scarcity thinking to enough for all, from competitive to collaborative, all form part of the Inner Transition landscape:

As individuals, we may experience a wide range of emotions as we imagine and work to build the future we want – or fear a future much worse. For many, the scale of the problems is simply overwhelming and distraction or denial feel safer. Inner Transition is designed to help support us face a world that is changing faster and more profoundly than most can imagine or absorb.

It’s designing resilient groups

It is not only about what we do, but also how we do it. It is not just about delivering carbon reduction or cutting food miles, but learning how to design a sustainable and resilient group that remains energised, motivated, and inspired, and can deal with conflicts and personal issues in a constructive and meaningful way. Typically, a participant in a Transition University project will not only learn the practical skills for sustainability, but also social skills to help them engage with others, carefully exploring how these skills influence their own and others’ well being.

Transition University of St Andrews use some of their 1.5t of veg harvest in promotions and for community cooking events. Here a competition winner is presented with a local food good-bag. Photo: St Andrews in Bloom.