The Essential Guide to Doing Transition. How to do Transition in your University/College. | Page 10

The Transition name is not needed to do Transition projects!

The name “Transition” is not necessary. There are many universities that

have fantastic sustainability projects that don’t call themselves Transition. Don’t get stuck on the name. In this guide we will refer to the sustainability initiatives as Transition Universities for simplicity’s sake, but this does not imply that it is not applicable to other initiatives or projects.

It’s holistic

A Transition University is a holistic approach to sustainability within a university and

its surrounding community, looking at how sustainability can be integrated in operations, research, education, governance etc. It tends to involve academic and non‐academic

staff, students, Estates/Facilities management teams, and in some cases also local community members, and its projects can embody many different aspects of sustainability and resilience.

It’s practical

The projects of a Transition University tend to focus on positive, practical action, such as building community gardens, local bike or car sharing schemes, re‐use and upcycling projects, awareness raising on climate change, peak oil, and malfunctioning economic systems, reducing personal and institutional carbon footprints.

The advantage of running practical projects is that they do not require participants to self-identify as “greens”, “environmentalists”, “engaged citizens”, “socially aware” or anything at all. Practical activities are an open, inclusive way to engage with a broad segment of the university community. Over time, engaging in activities that allow them to live a more sustainable lifestyle can empower participants to develop stronger pro-environmental attitudes in other aspects of their lives and develop a positive, “green” identity.