The Cone Issue #7 Fall 2015 - Food | Page 21

Roast Chicken. So on that same trip to Sevilla, I ended up in Paris, where I hooked up with a couple of friends of mine. Luckily, one of those friends was an intrepid foodie who is much more diligent in doing research. I know, I know. While I myself don't do much planning on these trips, I do enjoy it when my traveling companions do their due diligence. Sue me. Anyway, upon arrival my friends Judy and Linda whisked me from our hotel at Place Pigalle to an open air market in an arrondissement I don't remember. I don't think the specific location even matters since there are markets all over Paris like this. I was famished, so we bought a whole roast chicken. Then we bought bread at a boulangerie. Then we decamped at a little cafe where Linda and I ordered a bottle of rosé, which we used to wash down the poulete. We asked the waitress for silverware, but in typical Parisian fashion she angrily said "no" because we hadn't ordered food. We didn't want to slip into further barbarism by simply tearing into our food like primitives, so I went back to the chicken joint and requested that they cut up our carcass. The guy at the counter, like the waitress at the cafe, was vexed by my request, but my constant s'il vous plaits wore him down, so he had another chap of lower rank break down our fowl. Finally Linda, Judy and I were wolfing s i r Pa down the incredibly tender chicken, using the bread to sop Photo by Cajsa Lilliehook, via Wikimedia Commons up the juices. Writing this now, I don't even know if we washed our hands before or after the meal - but I think that my state of starvation was such that I didn't care about hygiene. We three had other great meals after that - like the three course meal at a fancy shmancy place where we met the Root Beer king of Nantucket (he had won a free trip to Paris for selling the most inventory in his area - Judy, Linda and I were making such a hilarious ruckus that he and his wife had to get in on our conversation). 21 THE CONE - ISSUE #7 - FALL 2015