The Black Napkin Volume 1 Issue 3 | Page 40


Dragging an Empty Bathtub Through a Desert

by Justin Karcher

Tonight I got a text that said

“When we fuck

It’s like you take me

To a place that’s weird

But cozy

In a haunted way”

That means there’s something missing

Anyway, earlier in the day

I read an article

About this seven-year-old

Who was born without hands

And how she won a handwriting prize

Without the use of artificial hands

That she uses both arms

To patiently pen each perfect letter

She’s a hard worker, a survivor 

Of severancea patron saint

Of the feeling that something

Is missing in your life

So I wondered if these two things

Were related, this girl’s penmanship

And how when I fuck

It’s like I’m conducting a ghost hunt

And then it hit me

Like Ezekiel when the glory

Of the God of Israel

Suddenly appeared before him

I was sitting at a café

On my twelfth cup of coffee

Amped up because I had just watched

Game of Thrones and Jon Snow 

Was back from the dead 

And he hanged the men who had wronged him