The Beauty Battalion - Featuring Beauty In All Shapes & Sizes April 2017 | Page 25

"i became the person i needed" most."

I was laughing to the point of tears as I sat and listened to this beautiful woman sitting beside me dive into her many dialects. From the "saucy" English woman who enjoys a good rap, to the Ebonic speaking Southerner who is unaware she's actually "white."

Coral entertained us as we chatted with her during her pampering session at the spa. (Courtesy of Pureza Salon, Provo UT) She shared with us the passion she has for acting and how she thrives on building character stories.

There is no denying that Coral lights up the room. Her personality is vivacious and she sparkles as she shares her talents.

While most of our day was spent wiping away the tears and grasping our sides as they cramped from laughter, there were some very tender moments that we shared with Coral that made her even more glorious in our eyes.

Underneath the humor and distraction of characters, lies a soft and loving individual who has had to nurse and heal her own wounds. The challenges Coral has faced throughout her life have had a significant impact on the person she has become. While many people become bitter and reclusive from people or experiences that have hurt them, Coral has become the person she needed during those difficult times.

From her work on the big screen, to the coaching of young minds, Coral has become the superhero to many who are searching for their place to belong in a world of negativity and bullying.

It is extraordinary to witness the passion she has to build up our youth into confident, kind, creative and empowering individuals. We are honored to have Coral Chambers as The Beauty Battalion True Beauty Award Winner for April 2017. Congratulations Coral, it was an honor to spend time with you and your many characters.

As a child Coral had many talents and abilities but was struggling to find a way to "fit in" and be accepted in a positive way. Having struggled with her weight since childhood, Coral was the victim of negative attention and bullying.

Acting became her outlet which ultimately "saved her life." Through her acting she was able to receive positive attention and encouragement which changed her life around. Going from a .888 GPA to a 3.2!

Coral understands the need children have to be accepted and to feel as though they belong. Because of her experience with acting and what it did for her personal life, Coral's mission was to create an environment for children to learn and grow as actors and allow their true selves to shine. This led her to the creation of her new business:

Acting 4 Reel