The Beacon 2017 Issue 1 | Page 7

Cornerstone Club

The Cornerstone Club is comprised of a special group of friends of the Little Light House ( LLH ) who by generous financial support whether through a one-time contribution , years of faithful support , or at the highest tier , a commitment in their estate plans are ensuring the continued mission of the LLH now and for future generations .
Cornerstone is defined as an essential stone in a building project which all other stones will be based . Thus , it is the strong foundation . By becoming a Cornerstone Club Member , you are the strong foundation , the Cornerstone which strengths the LLH and ensures that children with special needs receive the much needed therapy and education to lay the foundation for their future .
For more information on the Cornerstone Club , please contact Rachel Mouton at ( 918 ) 664-6746 or rmouton @ littlelighthouse . org .