The Atlanta Lawyer June/July 2016 | Page 44



By Hon . Maria B . Golick Cobb County State Court Administration
The Atlanta Bar Association ' s Judicial Section ended its year with the presentation of the Romae Turner Powell Judicial Service Award to the Honorable Herbert E . Phipps , Presiding Judge , Georgia Court of Appeals , at the section ’ s annual awards luncheon . The luncheon was held at the Capitol City Club on May 16th and the event was co-sponsored by the Litigation , Criminal and Family Law Sections . Presenting the award on behalf of the Judicial Section was Section Chair , the Honorable Christopher J . McFadden of the Georgia Court of Appeals . The Romae Turner Powell Award honors outstanding contributions to the Judiciary . Judge Phipps has served on the Court of Appeals since 1999 . Previously , he served on the Superior , Juvenile and State Courts of Dougherty County . Prior to taking the bench , Judge Phipps practiced law with C . B . King in Albany , Georgia . His commitment to justice has been a hallmark of his life and career .
The previous board year was a busy one for the Judicial Section . Speakers at two of our casual luncheons included JQC Director Mark Dehler and the Honorable Wendell Willard , Chairman of the Georgia House Judiciary Committee . The section also sponsored several Atlanta Bar events during the year . We want to thank our outgoing Chair , Judge Chris McFadden , for his work over the past year . And special appreciation goes to our Immediate Past Chair , Judge Sara Doyle for her support and assistance . The Section welcomes the Honorable Lillian Nash Caudle , Magistrate Court of Fulton County , to our Board as a Member-At-Large . The 2016-2107 Atlanta Bar Association Judicial Section Board includes : Chair , Hon . Maria B . Golick Vice-Chair / Chair Elect , Hon . Melynee Leftridge Secretary , Hon . Dax E . Lopez Immediate Past Chair , Hon . Christopher J . McFadden Members-At-Large : Hon . Kimberly M . Esmond Adams Hon . Susan E . Edlein Hon . Willie J . Lovett , Jr . Hon . Lillian Nash Caudle
44 June / July 2016