Test Drive | Page 14

The diet of learning* Please follow these dietary guidelines for effective learning. Avoid high carbohydrate foods - Bagels - wheat/grains - Pastries - pasta Add high protein foods - Fish (smoked salmon) - sausages - Eggs, hard boiled - nuts Add foods with high antioxidants - Chocolate (cocoa) - black coffee - cranberry - Berry smoothie station - nuts Complex and fiber rich foods - baby carrots - pears - apples - broccoli - cuties - humus dip/not dairy based dips Good for teeth beverages - Root beer - green tea - Ginseng tea - cranberry - black coffee, xylitol, coconut milk creamer Sweeteners Please remove all synthetic sweeteners and replace with xylitol and erythritol packets. Name brands are Xylosweet, Truvia, Lite and Sweet (also from Xlear). Get the best scores ever on your evaluations by offering a selection of health promoting foods. *These recommendations are scientifically sound.