Test Drive | Page 26

“I have been given strategies to try in dealing with conflict issues that have arisen because my loved one has mental health issues.” Family Support When a family member is experiencing mental illness, it can be an overwhelming and complex experience. The Family Support program provides services to family members of those living with mental illness, including: one-on-one and family counselling, drop-in peer support, Capable Carers psycho-educational group as well as telephone and e-mail support and referrals. The Family Support program provides assistance, education and information to help individuals learn how to support a family member or friend living with a mental illness. Participants also learn communication and self-care techniques and can receive counselling and education about mental disorders and the resources available. BY THE NUMBERS: 77 family members received 388 hours of oneon-one, couple or family counseling and indirect service 100% of survey respo