1.1.2. Topic Texts which the students find interesting and relevant increase motivation. Steffensen (1988) points out that texts should have topics familiar to the learners as this facilitates understanding. Moreover, the teacher should choose topics which bear a thematic relevance to each other so that students can benefit from the repeated vocabulary and use the knowledge they have acquired for better comprehension. Krashen (1981:23) suggests what he calls ‘narrow reading’ which he defines as referring “…to reading that is confined to a single topic or to the texts of a single author”. 1.1.3. Use of visuals According to Parker and Parker (1991:185) good illustrations enhance children’s understanding of the text. This is not only because illustrations increase motivation but also because they help learners activate relevant schemata (see 2.2.2.below) 1. 2. The interaction between the reader and the text As Greenwood (1981:82) stresses reading entails a physical process which is the deciphering of the marks on the page and a