Teaching Oral Skills Communicatively | Page 60

Task 4 4 min Children work individually. They listen to the text again with the aim to fill in a table. Then, they have to use the information they have acquired in order to write a short note. Task 5 7 min Students listen to the tape for another time. This time they have to pay attention to some conventional phrases and to the interactional elements of spoken language. Then they have to use this language to fill in the missing parts of the text they have listened to. Another while-listening activity. Students listen for detail and use the information they acquire in order to fill in a table. Listening and note-taking is a common activity in real life, it provides integration of skills and gives listening a purpose. Finally, they use the information from the table to write a short note. This is an information transfer activity and a good example of the task dependency principle. Students become aware of some characteristics of spoken language such as conventional phrases, pauses, fillers and time creating devices. They also become aware of the interactional function of spoken language. Once they have identified how language is used, they are asked to use this information to complete the missing parts of the text. This helps them utilize the information they have acquired and realize how language is used within its context. The elements of spoken language students are asked to focus on will help them become more competent speakers when asked to do the speaking activity. The listening text The listening text 60