Teaching Oral Skills Communicatively | Page 19

aim is to train students read selectively discarding information that is irrelevant for this specific task. Concentrating on something specific helps the students’ Short Term Memory process incoming information easier. In addition, listening and taking notes integrates listening with writing and makes listening a communicative activity. Task 5 (see appendixIII) asks students to listen to the story again in order to put some action verbs in the order in which they appear in the story. This gives students the chance to understand the text as a sequence of events which is a characteristic of narrative. Task 6 (see appendix III) elaborates on task 5. This time students listen to the story again in order to find out who did what. By completing this they will have the main parts of the story in note form which will help them narrate it. Listening and note taking simulates authentic listening purposes and makes listening and interesting and