Teaching English in the Priy Classroom | Page 97

Part 4 Classroom practices (please tick the box which mostly characterizes your teaching practices) always usually Some rarely times 58 I am confident that what I do in class is effective 59 I feel the need for some special training in order to teach young children 60 When I teach, I follow the methodology suggested in the teacher’s book 61 I provide students with the translation of every new word they come across in texts and ask from them to learn it 62 I ask students to read texts aloud in class 63 I give extra material to students (please include a hand-out of such an extra material within your response letter) 64 never My questions are addressed to the whole class and students raise their hands to answer When I ask questions I nominate a particular student to answer 65 66 When a student is unable to answer a question, I nominate another one, or I answer the question myself 67 I ask students to work in pairs or groups in order to do the activities. 68 When a new grammatical item is introduced, I give students the rule and ask from them to learn it. Then, students are given the chance to practise the rule through exercises before they are asked to use the new form more freely I use English in class to communicate with the students 69 70 When students produce an erroneous utterance, I correct them immediately 97