Teaching English in the Priy Classroom | Page 95

Strongly agree Agree Uncertai n Disagree Strongly disagree 41 There is no need for children to imitate and practise correct structures as they will never need to produce exactly the same structures 42 We do not need to teach children the rules of the language as they can infer these rules from the language they are exposed to 43 In order for children to learn a language, they need to engage in real conversations with other speakers. 44 We should teach language by presenting students with small amounts of grammar and vocabulary each time till the whole system is presented to them 45 When judging the student’s ability to use the language, the most important criterion should be his/ her ability to form grammatically correct sentences 46 The teacher should correct immediately all grammatical errors students make, otherwise errors may become persistent. 47 A textbook can never cater for all the needs and interests of a particular group of students. Therefore it should be supplemented by the teacher with other materials and tasks. 48 The best way to teach a foreign language is to teach the grammar and vocabulary 49 The teacher’s feedback should primarily focus on grammatical errors 50 The teacher’s feedback should primarily focus on errors which obstruct communication 95