Teaching English in the Priy Classroom | Page 38

questions 61-80 were classified in two-directional categories, according to whether they reflect traditional or more communicative teaching practices. Questions 61, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 71, 74, 76 and 80 were considered to fall into the first category and were characterised ‘negative statements’. Thus, according to their answer, respondents were credited points in an ascending order, i.e. one point for answering that they resort to such practices ‘always’, two points for ‘usually’, three for ‘sometimes’, four for ‘rarely’ and five points for ‘never’. Conversely, questions 80, 65, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78 and 79 which were considered to reflect more communicative practices were characterised ‘positive statements’ and the respondents were credited points in a descending order, i.e. five points for ticking ‘always’, four points for ‘usually’, three for ‘sometimes’, two for ‘rarely’ and one point for ‘never’. Finally, question 63 which referred to whether teachers provide their students with supplementary material was characterized as either ‘positive’ or ‘negative’, after the examination the supplementary material which each teacher had attached to their completed questionnaire. In the case where this material consisted of decontextualised, grammar exercises, the question was characterized as ‘negative’. Conversely, when its aim was to help students develop communicative competence, it was characterized as ‘positive’. As the number of questions is 20, the highest possible score that could be obtained was 100 (20 questions X 5 points) and is the one indicating the teacher who teaches most communicatively, while the lowest score is 20 (20 questions X 1 point), indicating the teacher who adopts the least communicative practices. It should be taken into consideration that the use of the Likert scale makes it difficult to establish a neutral or middle point as such a point is not necessarily the mid point between the two extreme scores. This is because, as Oppenheim (1992) stresses, the respondent can achieve a middle score by scoring inconsistently strongly positive and strongly negative statements. However, for the purposes of presentation, the score of 60 (20 questions X 3 points) was taken as the neutral score. Finally, respondents were ranked according to their total amount of points and this scale was compared to their answers to questions 5, 7, 8, and 9 of the questionnaire in order to see whether the training respondents have received has affected the way these people teach in class. 38