Teach Middle East Magazine Issue 3 Volume 2 Jan-Feb 2015 | 页面 45

Bella Five reasons to wake up earlier in the morning By Maryann Reid E arly mornings are no stranger to an educator. Some teachers are awake before dawn, and others just 30 minutes before the “bell” rings. However, there’s more to getting up early than making it to work on time. It is said that the most successful people in the world wake up at about 5:00am, some even 4:30am. There is beauty in the stillness of early mornings that you can harvest and use to catapult your personal goals. Yes, personal. Perhaps, you have aspirations to write a book, lose 10 pounds, start journaling again, take a language course, or simply sit in silence with a steamy cup of tea. The mornings can be anything you want them to be. Here are 5 reasons to get up at least 30 minutes earlier to start. Early mornings help you: Boost your mood When the clock reads 5:00am, and you have 2 full hours to yourself before heading to work, it can feel like the world is at your feet. Here is when an enjoyable morning routine comes into play. Create a morning routine that is easy, therapeutic and calming. It will set an optimistic, confident tone for your entire day. Get more organized With an established morning routine, you start the day off right with structure and focus. A typical morning routine of journaling, contemplation, exercise and a cup of tea may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Planning your morning routine ahead of time will help you organize your priorities. It will also help you to decide what personal goals need attention, and how to devote your mornings to accomplishing them. Ease into your day Being the first person at the office has its perks. Even if it’s only 15 minutes to yourself, it’s plenty of time to gently ease into a long, demanding day without getting disturbed. Have a better night’s sleep Waking up with the rising sun, signals to your body that the day has begun and so has the countdown to a good night’s sleep. When you wake up early, your body enjoys a deeper sleep cycle because it is more in tune with the circadian rhythms of the earth. This means less waking up in the middle of the night, too. Enjoy rewards Nothing beats coming home after a long day at the job, and having nothing to do, but relax. That is one of the rewards of early mornings. Depending on your morning routine, you may come home to a clean, clutter-free apartment, the comforting smell of beef stew from the slow cooker, or a shake, prepared with all its dry ingredients in a blender in the fridge, ready to be turned on. On the other hand, if you only have the energy to veg out for a few hours in front of the television, you can do that without the guilt. After all, you had a productive, energetic start. Mornings don’t have to be tainted with rushing, huffing, and puffing your way out the door. Thoughtfulness, order and purpose are ready to greet you. Good morning. Maryann Reid, an educator from New York, has a passion for writing stories that address the lifestyle concerns of busy, successful women. After The Bell | | Jan - Feb 2015 | 45