SwitchOn! Issue 1.2 | Page 36

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wh63RDhNB1Y How knowing the warning signs of suicide could save a life T iana’s best friend Shae committed suicide when she was 15. ‘What if..?’ were the words that occupied Tiana’s mind for months after Shae’s death. She asked herself again and again what she could’ve done differently to catch her friend before it was too late. Know the signs. Share them. You could save a life. Tiana didn’t want anyone else to go through the feeling of being left behind in the way that she did so she started the Alive Campaign. She saw that there was lots of funding and research going into how to treat and support people who had identified their risk of suicide, though not as much for those who hadn’t yet been identified. Tiana researched the seven signs of suicide, had them signed off by mental health experts and printed them on easy-to-read business cards. Tiana spends her free time handing out the cards at local events and shopping centres; talking to people about how to recognise suicide risk in their loved ones. Now it’s something bigger. Anyone can buy Tiana’s cards online and distribute them.; proceeds from the cards go towards an Alive Campaign to make the cards available free of charge through secondary schools in Queensland. 36 SwitchOn! Tiana was one of the 7 inaugural winners of the SBN International Youth Awards in 2011. The SBN Youth Awards open for nomination on June 1st each year