Supporting Effective Teaching in Tennessee: Executive Summary | Page 8

aims to make Tennessee a national leader in education reform. By uniting stakeholders from the education, SCORE IS an government, business, and philanthropic communities in a non-partisan forum, O P P O R T u n I T y fO R T R u E SCORE is an opportunity for true collaboration that builds on Tennessee’s C O l l a b O R aT I O n T h aT rich tradition of education reform. SCORE is committed to learning about all the great things happening in schools buIldS On TEnnESSEE’S across Tennessee, sharing these successes across the state, and developing a plan for RICh TR adITIOn Of how the state can move forward. In light of the upcoming 2010 gubernatorial E d u C aT I O n R E fO R m . election, recent turnover in the legislature, and the elevated interest of the business and philanthropic communities in statewide education reform, the creation The Tennessee State Collaborative on Reforming Education of SCORE could not be better timed to ensure that all the (SCORE) grew out of this rich statewide commitment to major stakeholders in Tennessee work together to sustain and education. Building on the state’s previous successes, SCORE elevate the state’s commitment to education. Courtesy of the Tennessee State Library and Archives Governor Phil Bredesen (2003-present) has continued this tradition of strong education leadership. In 2005, Bredesen rallied strong bipartisan support for his Pre-K initiative, which has appropriated $213 million over the past four years to provide pre-school for 18,000 of the state’s neediest four year-olds. Bredesen has also focused on ensuring Tennessee students graduate high school prepared for college or the workforce by working with the State Board of Education to pass the Tennessee Diploma Project, which set more rigorous high school graduation standards and created a new, more difficult statewide assessment test aligned with the new standards. Governor Ned McWherter signs the Tennessee Education Improvement Act on March 11, 1992. The Act created both the BEP funding formula and the TVAAS data system. 7