Supporting Effective Teaching in Tennessee: Executive Summary | Page 25

Teacher Recruitment, Preparation, and Support Research has conclusively shown that teachers are one of the most important determinants of a student’s level of achievement. Research has also shown that teachers vary quite drastically in their effectiveness (as measured by students’ achievement gains) and that the most effective teachers disproportionately teach high-income, high-achieving students rather than the most disadvantaged students.33 produce high-performing teachers, research has shown that on the whole there is no difference in the performance of teachers from traditional and alternative certification programs.34 The traditional route for becoming a teacher is to enroll in a teacher education program at an undergraduate college. Admission to a traditional education program at a public university in Tennessee requires a 2.5 GPA and either passing each subtest of There are several challenges to addressing this problem. First, the Praxis I, scoring a 21 or greater on the ACT, or scoring a 920 it is very hard to define teacher “effectiveness,” especially for or greater on the SAT. Undergraduate education programs must teachers in non-tested grades (K-2) and include a general liberal arts component, non-tested subjects (e.g., arts, foreign classes on core education theory (e.g., language). Second, no one has successfully pedagogy), courses in a concentration developed a tool for conclusively area (e.g., elementary education or middle predicting which teacher candidates will and high school math), and a semester of I m provi n g te ac h er be the most effective teachers. Third, student teaching.35 professional development opportunities q ua l it y m u st for teachers are notoriously of varying Several traditional teacher preparation quality, with some being very helpful programs in Tennessee have concluded pri m a ri ly b e a b o u t but far too many being significantly these requirements are insufficient less so. Fourth, teacher evaluations are and have thus decided to redesign b etter s u pporti n g rarely used effectively to help teachers their training model. Specifically, the improve their performance and to Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) has remove the small number of teachers launched a Teacher Quality Initiative a n d d eve l opi n g o u r who are significantly underperforming. (TQI) focused on developing a new Fifth, the policies that most drastically model for undergraduate teacher training existi n g te ac h ers a n d affect teachers, specifically tenure and that includes three years of coursework to compensation, primarily reward qualities develop a strong content knowledge and recr u iti n g n ew h i g h other than effectiveness. pedagogy base but also an intensive yearlong residency in the fourth year of the q ua l it y te ac h ers i n to Research has made it clear this proble