SPECIAL FEATURE TIPS AND TRICKS FOR STUDENTS No.3 Do what you enjoy As second semester is in full swing and those dreaded assessments and exams linger on the horizon, it can feel like you have no time for a life outside of college. However, it is important to remember what really makes you happy. While painting may not directly relate to your course work and playing football may not necessarily get that assignment done, if you are not in a good frame of mind, then the chances of you getting that ‘A’ are significantly decreased. If it helps you to stay focused, organise a study session with college acquaintances and coincide it with a night at the pub or bowling alley. No.4 Motivate Yourself Balancing course work with everything else in life can be daunting and tiresome. It can sometimes help to compromise by saying things like, “after I get home and do my homework, I can watch this week’s episode of The Walking Dead”, or, “If I work on my assessment a little over lunch, then I will have more time to relax later on”. No.5 Meditate To meditate isn’t only to sit cross legged with your thumb and forefingers touching and chanting “OMMMM” (although if this helps you to relax and replenish, then by all means, go ahead). Sometimes when we are so busy with family, school, work and extracurricular, we forget to appreciate the little things in life and actually notice our surroundings. Pick a time of day that is just for you, let your mind relax and just carelessly observe what is happening around about you from the people to the nature. Not only will this make you a more mindful person in general, but you should notice an increase in your concentration and performance levels in school and at home. THE STUDENT VOICE: EDITION 4 21