Stop Suffering ISSUE018 | Page 13

Everything seemed to be going okay until the day I began hearing voices. These voices were not your average, everyday thoughts; I was tormented with negativity. I would even lose sleep because the voices wouldn’t cease. I could hear them inside of my head speaking ill of me and threatening me. It got so bad that even driving became a difficult task, because I would feel a loss of balance and coordination whenever I got into the car. I was afraid to drive because of this. Even family members complained of having paranormal experiences when they were in my home, such as something trying to touch or bother them. At times, my daughter would suddenly become afraid; she would say that she saw something when there was no one else in the house. Still, there were moments that I was even convinced that I was okay; that I didn’t need help. Someone from the Universal Church, who saw my situation invited me to come with her. They called the pastor and he prayed for me. Since that moment I noticed a change. My home didn’t feel as heavy as before. That’s when I decided to start going to the church regularly and was instructed to do my Chain of Prayer. I began to fight for my deliverance and I started to see changes. The voices began to disappear and my home started to have peace. Today, I have pe X