Stop Suffering ISSUE018 | Página 12

Paranormal activity The number of people who hear voices that say they are even suggesting them or order them to kill themselves is amazing. In recent years our society has grown a deep concern with the increase in psychological problems that people have, even in Canada. But what would the problem be? Is it only something emotional, or does it involve something that goes beyond as paranormal events? Although many do not believe, evil exists and this is what we see in the large number of people, who through invoking spirits, their lives eventually are destroyed or many of them ended up killing themselves. As it happened in the following note: After practicing the game of Ouija, a young man killed himself by saying that Satan ordered him to do it. Julio Cesar Miranda turned and got a knife, which he used to end his life. He and another girl were trapped for some time in the game of Ouija board, which blames his mother to make such a fatal decision. Julio Caesar was 17, had recently left school, do not know if he was influenced by these games STOP SUFFERING|12 or something, he worked occasionally, but for some days he was focused on the game. “He was a good boy, drew very well, I would say excellent, but suddenly he began to change,” said his mother Meri Campaz. He said that he began to call Beelzebub (Satan), his father and said he must obey. Last June, he went to the streets naked, used the bathroom and threw several people who beat him. But the strange thing is that the young man, shortly before this happened told his mother that if he looked strange, she should hit him and not let him act that way, as he had an order from Beelzebub that he should sacrifice his mother and her daughter, as Mrs. Campaz said. They could not make him come around. That day Julio Cesar, who lives in the neighborhood of Puerta del Cielo, haunted by that strange demonic possession, decided to commit suicide, stabbing his stomach to end his madness. His mother took him to the clinic wounded, but he was discharged because he claimed he was fine. However when they arrived home, he died.