Stop Suffering ISSUE017 | Page 7

Like with most things in life, your attitude will play a big part in determining the success or failure of your love life. Attitude is completely abstract, which means you can never see it. But it is there. Before you do anything, your attitude towards it will already determine the outcome of your actions. How many times you tried something new just because someone was bugging you to do it, but you didn’t really want to go ahead with it. Chances are that you had a torrid time. Maybe, just maybe, if you 10 online commandments for COUPLES: (cont’d) 4. You shall not clear your browser history so as to delete your online tracks. If you do this, it’s because you are browsing what you shouldn’t. 5. You shall not lust after people with their pictures or videos on social networks or otherwise. Your eyes should look exclusively to your partner. 6. You shall not chat with the opposite sex • Thursday at 7pm really wanted to have enjoyed that experience, you might just had done. This is exactly the same thing that happens in relationships. If your attitude towards love and companionship is compromised by things that happened to you in the past, you will also be compromising your chances of ever having a successful long term relationship. Many marriages have failed to work because one or even both parties have let their negative attitude completely take over their relationship, thus ruining any chances they ever had of building the long lasting marriage they once believed they could have. online. If they really need to talk to you, they can do it in person in a public place or where your partner is around. Find out the rest in our next issue... STOP SUFFERING|07