Steel Notes Magazine October "Halloween" Issue 2016 | Seite 66

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Steel Notes Magazine October 2016


Everybody ' s saying their bit about what they feel politically . Right now I feel , logically , Hillary Clinton is the best choice . She ' s the wife of a former president - remember when Bill Clinton first took office ? He gave her an office next to his . I remember bumper stickers reading : " Who made her president ?". Well , she has experience working alongside a sitting president . And there ' s her time spent as Secretary of State . If elected , she ' d be the seventh Secretary of State to become president . The first was John Adams . On the negative side , people are not satisfied with the way the current administration is dealing with situations in the Middle East - from the Iranian nuclear program to the situation in Syria . Then there ' s the goings on with the North Koreans . Hey : We bombed Iraq without concrete evidence of weapons of mass destruction . Why aren ' t we bombing the North Koreans ? They ' ve been
TESTING weapons of mass destruction along with missile launches in violation of sanctions . I asked one politically aware person that question ages ago - their response was " oil ". That seems to easy of an answer . There has to be more to it that this . And also , many people are less than satisfied with " Obamacare ".
Then there ' s Trump .
People are not sick of the current administration but , I feel , scared . Perhaps some people feel Trump may go ahead and deal with the Iranian nuclear program more harshly .
The Israelis were prepared to send in planes and bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities . They had done something similar in Iraq in the 1980 ' s when Iraq was getting ready to build nuclear weapons to fight their war with Iran .
In order for the Israelis to get to Iran , they have to fly over Iraq . President Obama told the Israelis if they fly over Iraq , they will be shot down .
Would a President Trump feel different ? What would he do / say about the North Koreans building up their nuclear capabilities ? What does he have planned for health care ?
His businesses have sold better under selling his name rather than actual business .
It ' s frightening to me that a man whom has cheated on two wives , had many businesses fail , publicly said many politically incorrect statements in an age where non-pc statements can get you run out of town and , for some unknown reason , created a scam known as Trump University - for which he ' s been sued for can get to this position - can get so high in the public eye !


He knows how to sell himself but , what does he know about politics ? I ' m up in arms over all of this and I don ' t where to go on it . And , I feel , many people feel the same .

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