Steel Notes Magazine January 2017 | Page 97

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Steel Notes Magazine
the beeping of a monitor displaying the even bounce of her vital signs . The room wasn ’ t really dirty , but it wasn ’ t clean either . She didn ’ t know whether to laugh or cringe when she noticed a rat running along the distant wall .
When Nikki awoke later , she was in a room somewhere . A breeze billowed the green and yellow gauze curtains . She lay under a sheet and coarse woolen blanket . A man in uniform stood with his back to her . He turned , with an official smile .
“ I ’ m inspector Gupta .” His neat , well-groomed mustache pointed out from below a prominent nose . His mouth was tightly drawn , but his dark gray eyes emitted a gentle twinkle . “ I hope you are feeling well ,” he added .
Nikki felt better , but not well , and everything seemed very strange . “ Who is Anatol Atlan ?” Asked the inspector . “ Is he okay ? Where is he ?” She blurted out .
The inspector walked to the window and looked out , then turned back to her . His Indian English was clipped and officious . It shot out in a military cadence , “ I know all about him . You better come clean with me young lady .” Gupta took three steps toward her and stopped , “ Indian jails are not the nicest place to spend one ’ s youth .”
“ I don ’ t know what you ’ re talking about ,” said Nikki .
Far to the north , in the rugged region between Afghanistan and Pakistan , Feydor exited the Land Cruiser and stood resting his right palm on the handle of his holstered 9mm pistol . He was sure this was the place , but there was nobody there . The mountain walls whispered secrets of smugglers , outlaws and invading armies . Many of them died in these passes , and the red earth looked like old , dried blood .
Inspector Gupta remained serious , although softening just a little . He wanted Nikki to feel his concern , “ Look , Kashmir is a very dangerous place . Terrorists are willing to do anything to attack India ’ s sovereignty . Pakistan is funding them , arming them and supporting their murderous ways . The only thing we can do , short of declaring another war against Pakistan , is to rein them in . Let them know that to engage in terror here will mean certain capture and likely death , and that their campaign to oust India is as doomed as they are .”
Nikki shook her head , “ What has any of this got to do with me ?” she asked .
“ I need to know what you know ,” said Gupta . “ Sometimes foreigners get mixed up in things that are way beyond their control .” The inspector studied Nikki , but she remained silent . He changed his tack , “ Many times they are motivated by what they perceive as humanitarian concerns , but unfortunately their actions often only cause more pain and suffering . It ’ s ironic . Tragic .”
Nikki raised herself up onto her elbows , “ Where is Anatol ?” she asked . “ Why are you telling me all of this ? Anatol wasn ’ t involved with terrorists . He loved India . He hated terror ,” she said .
Feydor walked back to the Toyota and peered at the package lying behind the seat . He was getting ten million in cash for the suitcase bomb . One of the smallest , most portable nuclear devices ever made , it was one of about 25 the former Soviet Union had had in its arsenal .
Even in bribe-hungry , post-Soviet Russia , the bomb had been hard to get . Feydor had killed two men and traded $ 3 million in stolen heroin to get it . He didn ’ t care that the terrorists he was meeting here would probably use it in New York City , Los Angeles , or Washington . And he wasn ’ t afraid they ’ d kill him and steal it . They could see his vest and knew he could blow them all to bits by pushing the button on the device he held extended in his hand , and would , if they tried anything .
Steel Notes Magazine www . steelnotesmagazine . com