Steel Notes Magazine January 2017 | Page 71

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COMING 2017-2018 : The non-fiction drug crime book " The Last Gentleman Smuggler " by Steven M . Kalish and Nikki Palomino

What better way than to celebrate moving into 2017 like those who celebrated going into 1967 .... COMING 2017-2018 the non-fiction crime book " The Last Gentleman Smuggler " by Steven M . Kalish and Nikki Palomino ...." You ' ve had the Cocaine Cowboys , George Jung , Barry Seal , the Hippie Mafia and the Biggest Pot Dealer in New York City ’ s History , now you ' ve got Skip , the fulcrum between Panama , Colombia , the US War On Drugs , Rock ' n Roll and Beautiful Women ."
" In a dream , all the policemen in the city were hippies with beards and long hair and love beads . Two hippie cops stood on Madison Avenue and watched a neatly trimmed man pass by , and one of them said to the other , " How can a guy walk around with a haircut like that ?" Another hippie cop stopped a well-dressed businessman driving through a red light . The businessman offered him a bribe , and the hippie cop said , " You straight people are all alike . You think you can buy yourselves out of anything ." Frank Serpico 1960 ' s " Drugs could well be the fifth horseman of the apocalypse ." Manuel Noriega 1973 " I have been involved in marijuana smuggling for most of my adult life .... I am Steven Michael Kalish , convicted narcotic smuggler ." 1988
Operation Heartland July 1984
I turned my eyes briefly toward the plane window , distracted by a sky only known to birds and maybe angels until the Wright Brothers . There comes a time when we can ’ t distinguish ourselves from the product we move . What ’ s worst is we don ’ t even want to . The dopamine rush of the past will be hard to divorce . “ Can you believe it , Skip ?” Richard sipped the McCallum twenty year-old Scotch . As usual , he didn ’ t wear a tie . Richard cleared the distracting thoughts I couldn ’ t shake , not since I ’ d decided to quit . ” We ’ ve pushed every limit imaginable .”
We both understood the terms , and still , we sacrificed . It was easy to deny the complexity of moral issues when we were surrounded by evil . Yes , evil which had morphed into virtue like responsibility and all the good stuff taught to kids . We ’ d flipped the bird to right . Never wanted to relive the hand-to-mouth so I took a detour from the pretentious American Dream for crime . I ’ d escaped my family ’ s destruction from domestic violence , depression and alcoholism only to lose sight of Steven Kalish . I , me , Frank Brown CEO , the shivering kid hiding in the dark garage , wanted a say in when this party would end . From the pages of the 2017-2018 non-fiction crime book " The Last Gentleman Smuggler " by Steven M . Kalish and Nikki Palomino ...
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