Steel Notes Magazine January 2017 | Page 34

Steel Notes Magazine
January 2017
sounds so much better . I was always dissatisfied with the original release because of the recording because I was doing it on my own it ’ s not like I went in the studio one day and set up recorded all the guitar tracks and was done and when you do that over a period it ’ s done in sessions . You ’ re not getting the same mic placement you know it ’ s not the same thing because it ’ s set up differently
It ’ s not like when you set it up and you don ’ t tear down until you ’ re done recording the album . The tone doesn ’ t remain consistent . So , I was always just dissatisfied with it in that area and you know when I was getting it mixed there were financial issues there . You just always had to cut corners and at some point , you let go and that ’ s what I did but I could come back later and get it to sound the best we could with what we had to work with you know . And writing an instrumental album was a chore . Everybody always asks , when are you going to do another instrumental album ? It ’ s like it ’ s not like I don ’ t want to do another instrumental album I like to play the guitar . I don ’ t enjoy writing drum parts and bass parts and keyboard parts and all that stuff and when I ’ m writing an instrumental album you know that ’ s where I ’ m back to . If I had some musicians to sit down and work with you know to write their own parts and it was the right situation , you know if I could go in the studio and walk in and not leave until we were recording this album and not leave until we were done you know I would do that . That would be cool . That would be the ideal situation really . Doing it working on it here and there spread out over a period and having to sit down and write drum tracks and program bass lines and keyboards and all that , it ’ s just not very appealing to me you know I could be working on becoming a better guitar player worrying about the things that I really need to worry about instead of that so that was the downside to it you know . That ’ s the things that I didn ’ t enjoy it . The things that I did enjoy it far out shadow that I mean that ’ s what landed me on the road map so I ’ m very thankful for that but I only did the instrumental album again to go with back what we were talking about earlier that just happened to be what I was doing earlier when the internet took off . You know I always liked playing in bands I wasn ’ t interested in being a solo artist per say but that album came out when the whole internet thing took off and that ’ s what the world got to see me first , outside of Houston . So , that ’ s what everybody thinks of first when they generally think of me as a guitar player , the instrumental guy and it was never intended to be that it was just kind of a break . You know I took a break from the local scene and you know like talked about earlier to just kind of take a breather and regroup and the rest is history . we
Are you using social media to your benefit as to reaching out to existing fans or to people to know more about you ? Are you embracing social media ? Because some musicians aren ’ t Yes , I mean that ’ s how I got my starts . So absolutely . I don ’ t do it as much as I used to because there are so much social media . It ’ s like I ’ ve got like 5 Facebook pages that I ’ m involved with . My personal page , my band page , Day of Reckoning , music school , there ’ s like two music school band pages . So , there are 5 Facebook pages , I ’ ve got a Twitter page , I ’ ve got a YouTube channel , I ’ ve got Instagram , LinkedIn , you know that ’ s a lot of multimedia to keep up with . I know I sent you a request ( laughter )


Steel Notes Magazine www . steelnotesmagazine . com