STEAMed Magazine October 2015 | страница 14

FROM THE FIELD MAKING MENTAL MAPS APARNA DATEY What do building blocks, legos, jenga, battleship, Chinese checkers, tangrams and video games have in common? All are games that not only develop motor and sensory skills amongst very young kids they also enhance spatial thinking ability. What is spatial ability? It is a unique intelligence (like visual, logical, verbal or reasoning ability) that enables understanding of relationships between objects and their spatial location in relation to other objects. It is the ability to create mental maps, representations and images that is useful for innovative thinking in any career (Architecture, Computer graphics, Data visualization, Economic forecasting, Engineering, Mathematics, Meteorology, Natural Sciences and Imaging, and Supercomputing). The way we navigate and manipulate the space around us, whether via everyday activities such as putting together a piece of furniture from drawings, packing a suitcase for a week long vacation, reading a map while sightseeing in a new city or more specific activities such as designing a building is crucial to problem solving. It develops analysis and critical