STEAMed Magazine October 2015 | Page 11

The art integration included learning about cave art and then transferring those concepts to modern day soil art and paintings. The students were then asked to create a picture, whether it be abstract or natural, and use the soils to paint it. Many students hesitated at first, not convinced that soil could be used as paint, yet their results were incredible! styrofoam plate to illustrate themselves in their dream biome. An overhead transparency sheet was used to cover the globe and a brief description was written on the base. Space Science Science Standard (NC 6.E.1) Understand the Earth/Moon/Sun system and the properties, structures and predictable motions of celestial bodies in the Universe. Life Science Science Standard (6.L.2.3) Summarize how the abiotic factors of a biome affect the ability of organisms to grow, survive, and/or create their own food. Visual Art Essential Standards (NC CX.2) Understand the interdisciplinary connections of life applications of the visual arts.
 Integrated Lesson: If I lived in a Biome Globe Snow Globes were the spark that ignited the idea for Biome Globes. After our unit study on biomes and habitats, students were given the following writing assignment: If you could create and live in a dream biome, what would it look like? Explain in detail where your food would come from, what type of animals and plants can survive there, what is the temperature and climate of your biome, what is your source of water and what type of shelter would you have? Once the students gave a visual description of their biome, they were provided with a Art Standard (NC 6.V.2) Apply creative and critical thinking skills to artistic expression. Integrated homework lesson: Galactic Fashion Show This lesson was the highlight of our unit study on space. It was assigned as a homework project due to time constraints in the classroom. The assignment was to create any type of apparel showcasing any idea/content the student had learned during our Space study. On the day of the Fashion Show students wrote a fashion statement (based on science content) that was to be read by the fashion show host (me) as they walked around the classroom modeling their apparel. An example: “Donna is modeling the latest fashion in solar system wear, focusing on the sun and its 8 orbiting planets….” The students were very creative modeling a variety of projects and supporting each other with each unique presentation. 11