Spring Issue 2015 | Page 15

Cairne Bloodhoof

Top 10 Hearthstone classless cards

Brian Li

In the January 2015 season, when Mech Mages and Deathrattle Hunters were running amok in Hearthstone, I decided to try a rather weird constructed Druid deck consisting of as much “value” as I could muster, value meaning the best possible exchanges. Surprisingly, I managed to conjure a 60% win rate with such a weird deck. Being a game that revolves strongly around gaining advantages both on the board and in one’s hand, Hearthstone games reward those who can set up their “win condition” (strategy used to win a game) more effectively and efficiently. Cairne Bloodhoof is a relatively high mana card for a relatively weak minion. However, when you take into effect his deathrattle effect (occurs when he dies), Cairne becomes one of the most efficient cards to play. Although getting Cairne silenced (gets his effect removed) can be a significant setback, the times when Cairne does well overshadows this one flaw. If you are a sucker for Control-oriented decks, I would strongly suggest adding a Cairne to your lineup in order to easily crush your opponents.


MushIsGosu (1,784,628 hours total)

Top 10 Streamers of December 2014

Ted Huang

More commonly known as his in-game name “hi im gosu”, or simply “Gosu”, this player wears an anonymous mask but holds indisputable talent. No one knows what Gosu looks like, and even Gosu’s gender used to be veiled. It was revealed, however, when CLG signed him as a substitute player and introduced Gosu using “him”. How good is he, you might ask? Well, let’s just say that he gained seventh most viewer hours by simply streaming gameplay. No commentary. No webcam. The gameplay is accompanied by his playlist only (which has been deemed excellent). It would be assumed that his fame is derived mostly from his outstanding and amusing gameplay, but it also has to do with his personality. Personality can be expressed even without speech - the main difference between Wildturtle’s stream and Gosu’s stream is personality. The way Gosu plays makes one feel like he is a casual gamer just like most of us, not a professional gamer who has to perform to perfection. Still, his skill level cannot be denied - one wonders what kind of divinity is controlling the cursor and making these mechanical

outplays. Perhaps one

day we can discover the

identity of the legendary

Gosu that makes the world

watch in awe.

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Top 10 Plotlines

Brian Li

One of the most fascinating plots in the chronology of LoZ, Twilight Princess gives the player a feeling of dread with every step they take. The development of the plot is artfully incorporated with engaging gameplay. Link learns the most new techniques and moves compared to another other Zelda games, and are all necessary to completely finish the game. The two dimensions, Twilight Dimension and Hyrule world, are also both largely developed by the amount of gameplay, whereas in other games (eg. Skyward Sword) the secondary dimension is very briefly hinted at throughout the game. With the artwork and the people he meets (for example Midna), the game brings out the dark side of Hyrule both literally and metaphorically. The almost entirely fresh content throughout the game with little repetition makes the game engaging throughout the whole ride. However, as with all Zelda games, the carefully positioned “plot holes” are always exposed, patched up one after another, and brings you to the grand finale for a giant pool of tears. Sigh, this is definitely one game you won’t get over.


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