Spring Issue 2015 | Page 14

Meal time

Top 10 reasons why people go AFK (away from keyboard)

Ted Huang

A poll was conducted on the subreddits of LoL, DOTA 2, and SMITE to ask gamers their reasons for being AFK during a game.

I have had that experience: when your parent calls you to dinner when you are in game, and you become tired of telling him or her that “THE GAME CANNOT BE PAUSED.” Moreover, the parent becomes annoyed and keeps on asking “WHAT KIND OF GAME CANNOT BE PAUSED?” Then, you keep on playing while trying to mute your parent’s scolding in the background. Or maybe you are immediately forced to go eat due to his or her tactic of unplugging the power or turning off the Internet. Neither scenario is pleasant, and parents end up hating the game either way. A good way to solve this is to coordinate gaming time with dinner time. Always ask approximately when lunch or dinner will be done so that it will not conflict with your gaming, and it is something about 15% of the voters have to work on.


Jinx-The Loose Cannon: League of Legends

Top 10 best designed characters

Rui Yang & Brian Li

League of Legends has a variety of unique and interesting champions to play, but Jinx- The Loose Cannon is by far one of the best designed characters from start to finish. To just list a few things that were noticed from the time of her development and the official release of the champion:

-On September 20th, Jinx committed an act of vandalism on Vi’s champion page on the League of Legends website. She signed it with “X wuz here”.

- On the day of her release Riot Games also posted a music video titled “Get Jinxed” on their Youtube page.

Jinx is one of the best designed characters in the video game industry due to her special interactions with the community, rebellious acts, and also simply the amount of “hype” created when she was released. However, aside from sporting one of the most fun and interesting plotlines in League of Legends, Jinx also comes with various interesting cultures brought into play through her artwork. Her hair is dyed blue, which acts as a slight contrast to her red guns and pale white skin making her resemble, forgive the stereotype, a drug addict. Given that she is such a character, the tattoos, and vestimentary style

practically scream out her story.

With these few details, the artists

of Jinx have captured her very
