SOLLIMS Sampler Special Edition | Page 51

Consider for a moment if you were forced to flee from your home – What would you carry with you ? Your loved ones ? Your culture ? A few prized belongings ? Your own unique talents ? Grief and disappointment ? … Would you carry Hope ?
This lesson report has examined various efforts at responding to forcible displacement , some of which have been successful , although challenges such as lack of political will and underfunding remain . Independent citizens have stepped in to fill the gaps in national responses to the current global refugee crisis – from NGOs performing search and rescue at sea to tiny Italian villages opening their doors to welcome refugees . Broader regional partnerships have coordinated alongside the United Nations to supply humanitarian assistance for host nations as well as to support educational initiatives for displaced / host youth . And , in prior situations of displacement , dialogue teams in Timor-Leste and inclusive Security Sector Reform processes in Kosovo have made displaced people feel safe enough to risk return .
Recommendations from lessons in this report highlight several themes :
Recommendations for the United States Government :
� Increase refugee resettlement quotas ( while maintaining appropriate security procedures ).
� Launch a public information campaign to inform the American public about US refugee resettlement / vetting procedures ( to decrease security concerns ). � Increase support for host nations
� with large numbers of refugees . Provide multi-year financial support for the UN ’ s 3RP plan ( especially long-term education / livelihood initiatives ).
� Advocate for creation of safe , legal pathways for asylumseekers to seek protection .
Consider additional ways in which US assets could be used to alleviate suffering ( e . g . US Navy saving migrants at sea ). Consider how US foreign policy may affect conflicts driving displacement ; adjust accordingly ( e . g . reconsider military campaigns that may contribute to increased displacement ).
1 . It is imperative to respect the safety and dignity of displaced persons and to include them in response efforts . Just as all levels of society from individual citizens to international organizations have a part to play in refugee response , the inclusion of displaced people / youth in designing programs meant to benefit them is essential – as is ending human rights violations of refugees on their journeys to seek protection . As emphasized by the UN Secretary-General , “[ P ] ublic discourse on migrants and refugees must be shifted from one of threat to one of international solidarity , the protection of dignity and a recognition of positive contributions .”
2 . Short-term humanitarian assistance must be connected with long-term efforts that prepare for eventual return and reconstruction . While rescuing lives at sea is essential , it is also necessary to address the political realities which have driven asylum-seekers to those routes – not to mention the realities of ongoing conflicts and root causes that contribute to why people are fleeing in the first place . Long-term educational planning must be prioritized from the very beginning of a refugee situation and connected to livelihoods path that will be viable if and when future generations return . Efforts such as short-term cash transfers may be more useful if linked to employment-oriented programming . Preparation for reconstruction starts NOW .
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