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Why Some Schools Soar and Others Don’t What does Southwest Airlines have to do with your school? The authors of the bestselling book Made to Stick, Chip Heath and Dan Heath, would say quite a bit. Southwest Airlines is highly successful. offer them. If the airline had a focus like Its secret is that Southwest Airlines the department store Nordstrom, which runs its business according to one emphasizes customer experience, then it goal. That one goal or mantra is “We might make a different decision. are the low cost airlines.” When the airline makes a business decision, the leadership has to ensure that it meets this concrete and simple goal. Why is this relevant to your school? Ask your leadership team: “What is our central goal?” Is it to be the low-cost private school? If so, make decisions For instance, if the airline needs to based on that goal. If your goal is to be decide to offer dinner on flights, it has the top STEM program, then make all to ask whether this will contribute to decisions accordingly. The same would be its main goal or work against it. Meals true if your goal is sports, the arts, your are not low cost, so the airline doesn’t faith, or student character. 3