Signature Stories Vol 7 | Page 10

this show. I’m going to see August Wilson coming to life. RSH: I’m just excited about having a date with my friend As a costume designer, I have a duty to be as truthful and again, you know? Every night I can come to work and as accurate as I can be. ?] [?H???\?\?[??^B??[???]?]^H?YK?[?H?[??]?\?[Z]]H[B??\?[? ?\?H?[?HH??[[?[?[X?\???????]H?[?[\???Y\?H??&]?[??[\\???]H[K????]]H[??H^HH]\??^H]H?Y[??[?]B???X?]\?H]??[?HZ?H]?\?X??x?&Y?H?]?[??[???????[?HX]?K]XZ?\???X[?H[??????X?K???[\\???][?[?]8?&\????Y? ??]?]\??Y?\]HX[????\?X[[???]\?[?[]H???Y]?H??Y[?[??ZY 8?'x?&[H???H?\?[?H?]^H??Y\??[[K??'H???\?X?[??X??[\?[????[??Y??[?HX[??\??? ? L????]Y?\???[???NN ???B??