Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 35

konkurs polski / polish competition
set II
( Three Conversations on Life )
Trudna rozmowa matki i córki . Matka – lekarka , wierząca i praktykująca katoliczka . Córka – agnostyczka , której dzieci przyszły na świat dzięki metodzie in vitro . Matka jest rozdarta między miłością do córki i wnuków a dogmatami kościoła .
A series of difficult conversations between a mother and a daughter . The mother is a doctor and a devout , practicing Catholic . The daughter is an atheist whose children were conceived through IVF . The mother is torn between love for her family and Catholic beliefs .
Poland 2016 . Documentary . 24 ’. Director : Julia Staniszewska . Production : Munk Studio
Julia Staniszewska is a photographer , writer , a visual artist and graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris , she is currently working on her Ph . D at Warsaws Academy of Fine Arts . Contact : juliastaniszewska @ hotmail . com
ZACZYN ( Leaven )
Chcąc , żeby ciasto dobrze wyrosło trzeba wpierw mąkę z drożdżami i mlekiem rozczynić , gotowy zaczyn w ciepłe odstawić , żeby ciasto podrosło . Później dobrze wszystko zagnieść , do tortownicy przełożyć i do pieca wsadzić .
If you want the dough to rise , mix flour with yeast and milk . Then put the dough in warmth , so it rises a bit . Finally knead it well , place in the baking tin and put in the oven .
Poland 2016 . Animation . 5 ’. Director : Artur Hanaj . Production : Lodz Film School
Artur Hanaj was born in 1992 in Lublin . He studies Animation and special effects at the Polish National Film School in Lodz . He graduated the Fine Arts High School . His specialities are graphics , scenography and animated film . Contact : artur . hanaj @ gmail . com