Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 26

konkurs międzynarodowy / international competition
set III
Stary fundament , sięgający czasów radzieckich , leżący na obszarach stepowych Kirgistanu nabiera coraz większego znaczenia w codziennym życiu współczesnych nomadów .
Świat jest wspaniałą sceną , ale bohaterowie na niej występujący są haniebni .
The world is a wonderful stage , but its characters are disgraceful .
In the middle of the steppes of Kyrgyzstan an old foundation dating back to the Soviet era is gaining more and more importance in the nomads ’ daily life .
Kyrgyzstan , Switzerland 2015 . Documentary . 9 ’. Director : Nadine Boller . Production : Nadine Boller
Nadine Boller is a documentary filmmaker and camerawoman born 1986 and raised in Switzerland . She finished her Master studies in film science and English linguistics at the University of Lausanne . Contact : markus @ augohr . de
Spain 2016 . Animation . 11 ’. Director : Alberto Vázquez . Production : UniKo
Alberto Vázquez is animation director , illustrator and cartoonist . His books and comics have been published in countries like Spain , France , Italy , Brazil and Korea . His works have won over 100 awards including the Goya Best Animated Short Film in 2012 . Contact : ilustracionvazquez @ gmail . com