Short Waves Festival 2017 Short Waves Festival 2017 (katalog/catalogue) | Page 24

konkurs międzynarodowy / international competition
set II
MAIKI ( Mothers )
Podczas zimnej , mokrej jesiennej nocy Philip potrzebuje kobiety . Kobiety , która obdarzy go miłością i napełni nadzieją w sposób profesjonalny , wart jego każdego grosza . Philip zatrudnia Agathe – matkę na jedną noc .
In a cold , wet autumn night Philip needs a woman . A woman to give him all her love , to inspire his strength and hopes by doing it professionally and earning her money to the last penny . Philip hires Agathe - a mother for a night .
Bulgaria 2016 . Animation . 18 ’. Director : Lubomir Yotov . Production : Audiovideo Orpheus
Lubomir Yotov was born in 1959 in Bulgaria and graduated the National Academy for Theater and Film Art in Sofia . Director , animator , storyboard artist , illustrator . Contact : alexanderdonev @ gmail . com
NIEMENDAL ( Nothingness )
Dwaj więźniowie stawiają czoła kolejnemu dniu we wspólnej celi . Robią wszystko , by pokonać nudę , co prowadzi do fizycznie i werbalnie transgresywnego zachowania .
Two cellmates face yet another day together in prison . They do whatever they can to relieve their boredom , resulting in physically and verbally transgressive behaviour .
Belgium 2016 . Fiction . 16 ’. Director : Harm Dens . Production : Quetzalcoatl
Harm Dens was born in 1990 and lives in Belgium . His graduation project from film school in Ghent won the grand prize in Charleroi . “ Niemendal ” is his first professional short film . Contact : harmdens @ hotmail . com