seatec - Finnish marine technology review 2/2016 | Page 42

The Rolls-Royce Blue Ocean team has developed a range of autonomous ship concepts as well as innovative designs for various ship types. Technical Research Centre of Finland notes It was obvious that ships of the future that one of these recent research projects would be fitted with increasingly sophisti- was FIMECC UXUS that was concluded at cated automation technology. the end of 2015. ”According to the feedback we real reason why the same concept would not work aboard ships as well.” MORE RESEARCH NEEDED ”In this project, concepts for new received from the first results, our concepts The research team considered that types of ship bridges were outlined,” she appeared quite radical but still believable,” oceangoing ships perhaps could be ­ explains. says Kaasinen. remotely steered from a control centre ”At first, the idea was to figure out ”The next step from largely auto- located somewhere far away on dry land. how the daily work of ship steering and mated vessels would be unmanned ships. This idea would certainly change the work- other operations might change in the As robot cars and drone airplanes are ing practices of ship controllers and cap- future.” already being utilised, there should be no tains. 40 seatec 2/2016